さらに、時代の進歩に伴い教材だけでなく、化石・鉱物標本などの新しい分野の普及を広めるために、昭和 47年有限会社プラニー商会を設立、毎年恒例となりました池袋サンシャインシテイでの”東京ミネラルショー”の開催をはじめ、自然史博物館への展示向け大型化石、鉱物標本の納入ミュージアムショップ向け商品の受注卸売りから本格的コレクター向け標本の販売まで幅広い分野で活動している専門商社です
Planey Company,Ltd was founded in 1972(Showa year46) but its first beginnings can betraced back to the Shimazu educatonal machine Corporation and the Kyoto science Corporation in 1961(Showa year36) where it acted as an agent.
Planey CO.,Ltd supplies educational materials to elementary schools,junior high schools,high schools, universities and major research laboratories throughout Japan Our goal at Planey Co.,Ltd is to improve andspread knowledge about fossils and minerals and promote their study and understanding,Annually Planey Co., Ltd spnsors the Internatonal fossil and Mineral Show” at Sunshine City in Ikebukuro,Tokyo,Japan.Also,as a trading Company, Planey Co.,Ltd supplies large fossils to natural history museums, mineral and fossil specimens to museum shops,retail sales to collectors and specialists and wholesaleto retail shops throughut Japan and the word.